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Legislative Initiatives

The Brunswick-Golden Isles Chamber of Commerce advocates on behalf of business in Brunswick and Glynn County, and on behalf of the business interests of its members.

Each year the Chamber provides members the opportunity to prioritize the top legislative needs of our community. We then create a legislative agenda to share with local and state government officials.

Our Current Initiatives Include:

1. Support Glynn County’s request for a regional Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in the case of a catastrophic
event. We are seeking state support for an EOC that can be used by multiple entities throughout the coastal region
should they need to evacuate their EOC because of a catastrophic event.
2. Support funding for the implementation of traffic calming processes to make the Bay Street corridor pedestrian
friendly. By installing traffic calming devices to include a pedestrian bridge, citizens and visitors will be provided a
safe mode for pedestrian travel.
3. Support for EPA/EPD initiatives and Brownfield clean-up projects. Resources will provide remedies for the
redevelopment of impacted real estate. Funding will also provide the necessary resources to ensure public safety
and future economic development in these affected areas.
4. Support state bond investment in bridges and maintain or increase earmarked funding for local bridges. County
officialsrely on asset management data provided by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) to prioritize
the use of limited infrastructure funding for repairing and replacing these structures.
5. Guarantee Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) maintains current traffic flow on Sea Island Road while
the bridge over Dunbar Creek is being replaced. The closing of Sea Island Road affects businesses, residents, guests,
and especially Glynn County School System transportation. Much of our community workforce utilizes Sea Island
Road as a major means of transportation to and from work.
6. Support funding to address Sea Level Rising (SLR) projects.
7. Support funding for mental health crisis in Georgia and homelessness in Glynn County. This support should include
more practitioners and facilities that are accessible to the community.

1. Continue to support funding for transportation projects in Glynn County to enhance economic development
opportunities and evacuation routes.
• SSI Gateway project and partnership with GDOT and City of Brunswick.
• For St. Simons Island Causeway and Entrance/Exit point. This is a significant traffic issue for citizens trying
to get to work on St. Simons Island and Sea Island. It also serves as a choke point during evacuations. Glynn
County would like to partner with GDOT on this project and possibly combine with their plans to upgrade the
Mackay River Bridge. In addition, Glynn County would like to work with GDOT and the city of Brunswick to
address flooding issues on the FJ Torras Causeway, during King Tides and Tropical Storms/Hurricanes. Now
that this SPLOST project is approved, we need commitment from GDOT and assistance to mitigate challenges
related to potential federal/state environmental issues.
• Bay Street project: This is an important project for both the city of Brunswick and Glynn County. Glynn
County advocatesfor traffic processes to make Bay Street a pedestrian friendly corridor and enhancementsto
the Brunswick waterfront.
• Dunbar Creek Bridge replacement: Glynn County needs to ensure the plan for this project and the scope of
work allows for traffic routes to remain open on Sea Island Road. This road is a major artery for traffic moving
to the North end of St. Simons Island and to the entrance to Sea Island. This road cannot afford to be closed
while the project is being completed. It will cause Frederica Road to become gridlocked as the only exit route
for citizens in this area.
• GDOT partnership on roadways in North Glynn: Glynn County is asking for GDOT support on the following
roads for traffic improvements, evacuation routes and safety improvements: Glynco Parkway, Canal Road
(both sides) and Perry Lane Road (to include bridge replacement).
2. Continue to support and fund rural broadband expansion: Create a robust funding program for investments into
Georgia’s Airportsfor Economic and Capital Developments asrecommended by the Georgia Legislature Joint Study
Committee on Airport Infrastructure and Improvements.
3. Amend the Taxpayer Bill of Rights to allow for plain language. State-required advertising language has created
confusion amongst the public when taxing authorities are setting the millage rate.
4. Protect Georgia’s Lodging Tax from redirection. Support the current State accommodation tax laws that provide
funding to Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO) as an essential means of promoting tourism and apply the
laws equally to those providing accommodations in the state.
5. Support expansion of the Port of Brunswick to include funding for a Hazmat Response Team.
6. Support and fund key improvements of the main State entrance gateways along I-95 corridor. Support Glynn
County’s efforts to beautify and enhance the four major exit ramps off I-95 and create a better sense of arrival for
our visitors and investors.
7. Support legislation that provides enhanced funding to communities impacted by regional projects and economic
development incentives to regional economic development entities.
8. Support funding for infrastructure improvement to locally owned industrial sites.

1. Support local and state efforts to have a comprehensive management plan and funding mechanism to fortify and
stabilize vulnerable shoreline areas on the Georgia coast.
2. Expansion of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LITHC) program to include infill housing. Individuals who qualify for
this existing state credit for qualified rental properties would also be able to apply for this credit for infill housing in
the city of Brunswick.
3. Expansion of Georgia Dream Homeownership Program. The availability of this homeownership program and
broadening of program qualifications in Glynn County would provide more opportunitiesfor individuals and/or
families to achieve homeownership.
4. Support local community efforts to ensure MSA designation stays intact under current law.
5. Support additional funding for Pre-K programs.
6. Support funding to create affordable housing and workforce housing initiatives for public service employees,
like police officers and educators, especially in downtown Brunswick. The development of affordable and safe
workforce housing will increase the number of residents living in unoccupied areas which will spark revitalization
and beautification initiatives in the city of Brunswick.
7. We oppose legislation that limits local decision making regarding the development of architectural design
standards, building codes that improve resilience in areas with unique hazards, and zoning. These decisions are
best left to communities.

A Snapshot History of Our Accomplishments Include:

  • Advance Completion I-95 (exit 36 to 29)
  • Funding for I-95 Welcome Center
  • Lobbied for establishment of jet air service in Brunswick
  • Initial Interstate Exits Logo Program experimentation in Georgia at I-95 Exit 36
  • Retention of 912 area code
  • Newcastle Street median beautification program
  • Brunswick’s Liberty Ship Park
  • Overhead signage program
  • Establishment and Expansion of FLETC
  • Establishment of College of Coastal Georgia’s four-year institution status
  • Establishment and promotion of Golden Isles Career Academy
  • Establishment and promotion of Coastal Pines Technical College
  • Signalization Safety Projects
  • Initial funding for K-9 programs for City and County
  • Jekyll Island Revitalization
  • State Developmental Highway Program to Widen US Hwy 82 and US Hwy 341
  • Sidney Lanier Bridge Replacement